Protectors of Humanity: #NoDAPL Rally in Los Angeles
People from all nations, races, ages and sizes meet for one cause, to protect our future.
On a warm Saturday morning, December 10, thousands gathered in downtown Los Angeles’ Pershing Square in preparation to march and send a message to the world: They are not protesters; they are protectors aiming to show solidarity to their indigenous brethren and to bring awareness to the threat on clean water. As one of their signs simply states, “Mni Wiconi – Water is Life.”
If the generation of today don’t protect natural fresh water resources, there will be no generation of tomorrow.
The march ended with a rally where even more people joined to listen to personal stories of activists and reasons why they fight. Performance artists invoked the spirit of the event showing the “black snake”, also know as the oil pipeline, eventually being tamed by the collective power of the people. Perhaps that performance was a prophecy foretold.
One can only hope.