Logos Magazine

Grant Martin Makes Basketball His Life

Grant Martin is a student athlete that has been pursuing a career in basketball and showing up for himself in his achievements throughout the season. In a one-on-one interview with Martin, he tells us about his expectations he has for himself in the 2023-2024 basketball season and where he...

Dyslexia Doesn’t Stop Me

There are students that go to Citrus College who may have special needs. Some disorders like autism, blindness, loss of hearing may create difficulties with learning. Personally, I struggle with dyslexia. To make my learning easier for me, there’s a department on campus called Disabled Students Programs and Services...

The Problem with Citrus College Parking

From my own experience, the Citrus College parking rules needs a little bit of an upgrade. The rules of to follow are to have a parking pass and park nose-in. These are pretty simple rules, but there are some things that need to change. If you don’t pay for...

Traveling Alone Can Have Its Pros

As a kid, almost every summer, my family would take a week off and choose a destination to travel to. We weren’t rich by any means, so we made do with what we could and the importance of breaking out of our routine was necessary. It allowed us to...

18 Self-Care Tips to Get You Through Winter

As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as seasonal depression, becomes more common. Seasonal depression is a mood disorder that is triggered by the change of seasons. According to the Mental Health America website, SAD is most common in adults...