Snacks You Love for Morning Classes!
We surveyed some Citrus students to get the 411 on their favorite morning snacks. This is what we found out:
20% take a bag of chips to class. The most common chips eaten are usually light, like sun chips. Chips are accessible to students in vending machines around campus and in the cafeteria.
15% opt to take a granola bar with them to class. Make sure you don’t leave crumbs all over the desk!

35% choose to keep themselves awake so they can learn the most by bringing an energy drink. Some students bring protein shakes, Gatorade, or red bull.
20% want to take it easy by bringing water. Some don’t prefer the effects of caffeine.
10% take coffee to class. In a world built on caffeine, you’d think the percentage would be higher! It seems the morning is a lot better when it has a sweet flavor, though.
Did some of these numbers surprise you?
Here are some miscellaneous treats that some students take with them to class: gummy candy, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pastries, and popcorn. What do you like to snack on during class? Let us know on our instagram!