Category: Student Features


From Different Cultures to New Beginings

by Shugey Loza Classical music, idle chatter, and the smell of coffee; located in SS 164, the International Student Center is a hangout hub for both international and domestic students alike. According to ISC Supervisor Coe Lamoureux, the ISC helps its students obtain an F1 student visa, issued by...

Shinin’ Shawna

Battling injury, insecurity and aging, all the while still wearing vibrant shades of pink and a large smile on her face, Shawna Cook, 36, of Glendora, California is a prominent personality not only in one department of Citrus College, but two and majoring in both. Anyone a part of...

Profile: Sensing Rhythm

Facing the audience, Johnny Muñoz, 22, is bright with joy as the host of a kickback for his friends in the visually impaired community. He sits on his chair with his legs under him, one hand on the turntable and the other holding a headphone speaker to his ear...

Profile: Traveling Troubadour

Joseph Beck, 31, also known by his producer name Stitch Jones, takes his guitar all over the map with the sound of music following his footsteps. From his hometown of Bloomington, Illinois to Japan and eventually California, the recording tech major has always had an ear for music and...

Profile: Over the Rainbow

Communications major Andrew Penarubia overcomes adversity with a smile. The distance from the Owl Cafe to the Performing Arts Building is less than one mile. Within that brief walk Andrew Penarubia, 22, stops to greet 36 other students whom he has met during his time at Citrus. Penarubia was...

Madam Vice President

Makayla Pedroza, 22 years old, Psychology major at Citrus College is currently finishing her term as an Associated Students of Citrus College Senator where she has made it her goal to fight for the equality of LGBTQ community on campus. She hopes to continue this passion as she steps...