A Balancing Act: Q&A with Alex Naranjo

Working today is different than working back in the day because the minimum wage is higher than it used to be, but due to inflation, working is mandatory. And, on top of working, we have to be students too if we want good-paying jobs one day so that means having to study for exams, do homework, and attend classes. When attending community college, you need a job to live day-to-day. Jobs are the gateway to connections and meeting new people, so the job you chose must be the right one, and there’s no better first job than working in fast food. And what better way to find out the troubles and benefits of working in fast food than hearing from a student worker who is employed at McDonald’s.
How has the minimum wage affected you working?
Alex Naranjo: Minimum wage is affecting the way I work everyday because not many opportunities are open. I know the wages going up is due to the economy but at the same time it’s going to make finding a job a lot harder. This makes following through to keep things together for your job important, but on the other hand there is school.
Does work interfere with school?
The student aspect is more essential for my life, so finding ways to work a certain amount of hours is difficult. Working creates more obstacles for time but it makes me be better at time management.
Is McDonald’s a good job for a student?
AN: I first started working at McDonald’s during the summer but transferring into college I knew school was going to take more time and managing my schedule was going to be most important. At first, I was working the weekdays for eight hours a day then I realized that my school schedule would clash with my work schedule. I let my job know I need a schedule switch and they understood that school was my focus and adjusted my schedule accordingly. If you let them know what you need from them, they won’t have a problem with it. For this reason, I can say that McDonald’s is very understanding and helpful for a college student.
As a college student, what schedule do you work?
AN: The schedule they suggested to me was only for two days and up to eight hours, the shift was only on the weekends from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. which is not the best because weekend people expect to relax but sacrifices needed to be made. This schedule helped me figure stuff out. For example, it gave me more time to myself like hanging out with friends or catching up on daily things or school. It was easier to stay on top of things and I was not so worn out from juggling work.
How is the environment at work?
AN: The coworkers are all around the same age and are doing school as well, so it makes working easier having that in common with most of the crew. Most of the crew is doing the weekend shift as well. The customers on the other hand are a little more difficult.
How are the customers difficult ?
AN: They usually get mad because we tend to mess up orders, but the prices increasing is another reason they complain. But, the prices of the more popular items like the $1 Coke have gone up so people are ordering them less. It’s not just for McDonald’s but it makes the job feel less overbearing and less stressful.
Has there ever been a time where you’ve been close to quitting?
AN: Honestly, I have never thought of quitting, but the McDonald’s I am at now is not the one I started at. I left my first McDonald’s due to the fact that everyone was not welcome to a newbie. This was my first job and the others weren’t open to someone with no experience. But If school and work clash more in the future I might have to consider it.
Would you ever get a second job if needed?
AN: With school going on I would not get the chance but with the pay going up I feel one job is enough for now. It would take double hours during the week which would be super tiring and also less time for school and even less for personal time. The main thing is staying at a healthy limit and making a schedule and sticking to it.